2010-06-20 ~ Chaella's Favorite Software and Technology

Google PowerMeter: Online Monitoring of Home Energy Consumption

Posted by Chaella On Thursday, June 24, 2010

ESC Microchip Technology Reference Google PowerMeter

In the video below, Rodger Richey, Microchip  Technology Director of Applications, gives an overview of the Reference Implementation (RI) for the Google PowerMeter from ESC Silicon Valley 2010. Google PowerMeter is a free energy monitoring tool that allows you to view your home's energy consumption from anywhere online. Consumers are able to access their power consumption data through a secure, Web-based iGoogle™ gadget with the PowerMeter.

As a Strategic Channel Partner with Google, Microchip incorporated the PowerMeter's API to create a Reference Implementation (RI). This RI makes it much easier to develop products that are compatible with the Google PowerMeter. The RI demonstrates the PowerMeter's activation, data transmission and status messages using readily available Microchip development tools. Additionally, it can be used as a template for other developers' own designs.

