How to Capture and Explore Your Ideas With a Creative Mobile App
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Saturday, March 05, 2011
Today's feature: 'What's New in Adobe Ideas (AI) Version 1.2'
Watch and learn how to capture and explore your ideas, anywhere you go, with the Adobe Ideas creative mobile app which is an ideal companion for the drawing software you love, including Adobe Illustrator CS5 and Adobe Photoshop CS5 with David Macy, Principal Product Manager - Creative Mobile Apps.
Among the new features in AI are the 'Hand Tool', the 'Move Tool' which enables you to move layers and images, and the optional Apple VGA Adapter. I really like the ability to use the VGA Adapter for digital whiteboard functionality; that is so nice!
How to Take a Series of Images and Export to a Portable Device as a Portfolio
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Friday, March 04, 2011
Today's feature: 'Exporting Adobe Bridge Images to an Apple iPad'
Learn the step-by-step process to export your portfolio of images from Adobe Bridge to an Apple iPad via The Russell Brown Show. Hear why you need to turn off 'Include Original Metadata'; know why you don't want to include it. Great tips; very helpful! Enjoy!
Remember Adobe Bridge is available in the following stand-alone CS5 software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended, Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator CS5, Adobe InDesign CS5, Adobe Flash Professional CS5, Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 and Adobe After Effects CS5.