2010-08-01 ~ Chaella's Favorite Software and Technology

Simple Video Resizing for Your Sidebars and Post

Posted by Chaella On Saturday, August 07, 2010

Extremely Simple Quick Video Re-sizing

Hello, Everyone. I was inspired to write this post as I followed more new Tweeple, earlier today and saw sites with videos that were too big to fit into sidebar boundaries and other site boundaries. In the past I've sent a DM (Direct Message) to those Tweeple in hopes that they've had the time to read it and re-size the video(s).

It's my hope that this post (tweeted and linked) will be helpful to those of you that have added videos, to your websites and/or blogsites, that are too big to fit properly/neatly within the borders. The main reasons to re-size a 'TOO BIG' video are:

  • readability for your visitors (and yourself)
  • neat appearance a.k.a visual appeal, which is apart of good design.

The featured video is a wonderful YouTube video that I've added several times as an example to demonstrate the size/re-size possibilities beyond the standard sizes available from various video platforms. Do note that when I re-size a video, I usually 'eye-ball' the size and make changes until I'm satisfied with it; sometimes I use the recommended size ratios that the video platforms/makers provide. The choice is yours as to which method you use to re-size the videos you add to your site(s).

This video is one of the standard sizes: height=385, width=640. For my tastes, it's too large to appear neatly in my post; it's too close to my sidebar.

I've re-sized this video to: height=150, width=385.

I've re-sized this video to: height=200, width=455.

I've re-sized this video to: height=300, width=355.

I've re-sized this video to: height=150, width=150.

I've re-sized this video to: height=200, width=350.

I've re-sized this video to: height=280, width=400.

I've re-sized this video to: height=190, width=300.

I’ve re-sized this video to: height=345, width=600. As you can see, it fits properly within the borders of my post-area as neatly as I prefer it to.

I’ve re-sized this video to: height=256, width=300. This size is suitable for my post-area and my right-sidebar, just like the Adobe TV video I’ve re-sized to fit my top-right sidebar.

This video is re-sized to: height=485, width=740. As you can see the video's edge extends beyond the border of my blog’s post-area. This video’s size is too big (TOO BIG) to fit properly in this particular post-area and would cover up information/text in my sidebars if I had not placed it at the bottom of this lengthy post. However, this video would fit perfectly in a space with a width of 750 or greater.

I hope this post has been helpful to you. You invest time in your site(s) and you want people to be able to see all of your content. So, re-size those 'TOO BIG' videos and uncover your sidebar content and such! I love you and appreciate you all. Take care!
