2011-06-26 ~ Chaella's Favorite Software and Technology

Web Apps: Build Them Without Coding!

Posted by Chaella On Friday, July 01, 2011

Today's feature: Build Web Apps Without Coding

Adam Broadway, Adobe Product Evangelist, demonstrates the 'Web Apps' feature in Adobe Business Catalyst during a two-video presentation. This feature enables web designers (perhaps you too) to build searchable, database-driven web applications with a point and click approach.

In the first video he introduces the Web Apps feature.  In the second video he continues his exploration of this feature by explaining how to import a large volume of items from a database into a 'Recipes' application, while giving it a customized look.

Isn't this a really neat feature?  Just think of the possibilites, particularyly in our "there's an app for that" world!
