Gnip - Multi-platform Application for Tracking Social Networking Services ~ Chaella's Favorite Software and Technology

Gnip - Multi-platform Application for Tracking Social Networking Services

Posted by Chaella On Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Hello, Everyone! Gnip, is a company based in Boulder, Colorado that provides a “multiplatform application” for companies trying to keep track of their user-generated content on the Web's plethora of social networking services. This application is relatively simple to set up and funnels information for companies tracking and generating content for those social networking services.

Some of the amazing features of Gnip are:

  • cloud-based service
  • rule-based filtering
  • real-time delivery
  • normalized data delivery
In the featured video Eric Marcoullier, Co-founder and CEO of Gnip, explains what’s behind this innovative business.

Video courtesy of Building43.
