Emotions Jacket for Sensational Cinematic Experience ~ Chaella's Favorite Software and Technology

Emotions Jacket for Sensational Cinematic Experience

Posted by Chaella On Saturday, March 20, 2010

Immersive Experience Via Touch

The Philips Research Emotions Jacket is a research platform that uses the sense of touch to take one's cinematic experience to new levels, allowing a viewer to experience the intense emotions felt by characters on-screen. Considering that:

  • Picture quality, surround sound and ambient lighting stimulate the eyes and ears to make us feel as if we are in the movies.
  • Touch is another important sense that has a strong connection with the emotions.
Philips Research is investigating why there is such a strong connection between emotion and touch and how this can be used as stimulus for people to master their desired mood. Scientifically, this is still relatively unexplored territory and it provides a new and additional dimension in creating experiences. This a very interesting platform.

